Coordinate geometry (or Analytic geometry) in three-dimensional space
  Point, line and plane – orthogonal projections, distances, perpendicularity of line and plane
 Through a given point pass a line perpendicular to a given plane

 In this case, the normal vector N of a plane is collinear or coincide with the direction vector

s = ai + bj + ck  of a line,
that is,   s = N = Ai + Bj + Ck.

The given point A(x0, y0, z0) when plugged into rewritten equation of the line gives

Example:  Determine the equation of a line which passes through the point A(-3, 5, -1) perpendicular to the plane 2x - y + 4z - 3 = 0.

Solution:  By plugging the point A(-3, 5, -1) and the components of the normal vector

N = s = 2i  - j + 4k   of the given plane into the above equation of the line obtained is 

the equation of the line perpendicular to the given plane that passes through the given point.

 Given a line and a point, through the point lay a plane perpendicular to the line

The direction vector s of a line is now collinear or coincide with the normal vector N of a plane so that

N = s = ai + bj + ck.

Coordinates of the given point A(x0, y0, z0) is plugged into the rewritten equation of a plane

P ::  a · x0 + b · y0 + c · z0 + D = 0
to determine the parameter D.
Example:  Given is a line and a point A(-2, 1, 4), through the point lay a plane
perpendicular to the line.

Solution:  In the above equation of the line, the zero in the denominator denotes that the direction vector's component c = 0, it does not mean division by zero. Consider this as symbolic notation.

It means that the given line is parallel with the xy coordinate plane on the distance z = 3 that is, the coordinate z of each point of the line has the value 3.

Since  N = s   then,   N = -i  + 3j    or    N = Ai + Bj + Ck.

The coordinate of the point must satisfy the equation of the plane Ax + By + Cz + D = 0 that is,

A(-2, 1, 4)    =>    Ax + By + Cz + D = 0  gives   -1 · (-2) + 3 · 1 + 0 · 4 + D = 0,   D = -5.

Therefore,   P ::  -2x + 3y - 5 = 0  is the plane through the given point perpendicular to the given line.

 Projection of a point onto a plane

A given point A(x0, y0, z0) and its projection A determine a line of which the direction vector s coincides 

with the normal vector N of the projection plane P.

As the point A lies at the same time on the line AA and the plane P, the coordinates of the radius (position) vector of a variable point of the line written in the parametric form

x = x0 + a · ty = y0 + b · t  and  z = z0 + c · t,

These variable coordinates of a point of the line plugged into the equation of the plane will determine the value of the parameter t  such that this point will be, at the same time on the line and the plane.

 Projection of a point onto a line

If we lay through a given point A a plane P perpendicular to a given line then will, the intersection of the 

line and the plane, at the same time be the projection A of the point onto the line. 

Then, the normal vector of the plane and the direction vector of the given line coincide, i.e.,

N = s

and since the coordinates of the given point must satisfy the equation of the plane, that way the plane is determined.

As the intersection A is the common point of the line and the plane then the parametric coordinates of a radius vector of the line plugged into the equation of the plane will determine the value of a parameter t such that this condition to be satisfied.

Example:  Find the projection of the point A(4, -2, 1) onto the line

Solution:  The normal vector of a plane, perpendicular to the given line, coincides to the direction vector of the line, that is N = s = -3i  + 5 j + 3k.

As the plane must pass through the point A, then
A(4, -2, 1)   =>    -3x + 5y  + 3z  + D = 0   =>    -3 · 4 + 5 · (-2) + 3 · 1  + D = 0,    D = 19

Since the intersection is the common point of the given line and the plane then the coordinates of the radius vector of the intersection must satisfy the equation of the plane that is,

and plugged into the plane

-3 · (-3t - 1) + 5 · (5t + 3) + 3 · (3t + 2)  + 19 = 0,    t = -1

Thus, the coordinates of the intersection or the projection A are,

x = -3 · (-1) - 1 = 2,    y = 5 · (-1) + 3 = -2   and   z = 3 · (-1) + 2 = -1,     A(2, -2, -1).
 Through a given point lay a line perpendicular to a given line

A line which will pass through a given point perpendicular to a given line will lie in a plane that is perpendicular to the given line and which passes through the given point.

The equation of that line is then determined by two points, the given point and by its projection onto the given line or the intersection with the plane.

 Projection of a line onto a plane

Orthogonal projection of a line onto a plane is a line or a point. If a given line is perpendicular to a plane, its projection is a point, that is the intersection point with the plane, and its direction vector s is coincident with the normal vector N of the plane.

If a line is parallel with a plane then it is also parallel with its projection onto the plane and orthogonal to the normal vector of the plane that is

s ^ N   =>    s · N = 0.

Projection of a line which is not parallel nor perpendicular to a plane, passes through their intersection B and through the projection of any point A of the line onto the plane, as shows the right figure.

Example:  Projection of the line onto the plane 13x - 9y + 16z - 69 = 0.

Solution:  Intersection of the given plane and the orthogonal plane through the given line, that is, the plane through three points, intersection point B, the point A of the given line and its projection onto the plane, is at the same time projection of the given line onto the given plane, as shows the right figure.

The direction vector N1, of the plane determined by three points A, B and , is the result of the vector product of the normal vector of the given plane and the direction vector s of the given line, that is

By plugging the point A(15, -12, 17) into the equation of the plane,
A(15, -12, 17) => 141x + 97y - 60z + D = 0,  141 · 15 + 97 · (-12) - 60 · 17 + D = 0D = 69
obtained is the equation of the plane  P1 ::  141x + 97y - 60z + 69 = 0.
The line of the intersection l´ of the given plane 
P :: 13x - 9y + 16z - 69 = 0  and the plane  P1 ::  141x + 97y - 60z + 69 = 0 
is at the same time the projection of the given line onto the given plane (see the previous page).
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