Applications of Trigonometry
      Applications of Trigonometry in Solid Geometry
      Right and regular pyramids
         Pyramids, examples
      Sections of solids
         Sections of solids, examples
Applications of trigonometry in Solid Geometry
Right and regular pyramids
A pyramid is a polyhedron with one polygonal face, the base, (not necessarily a regular polygon) and all lateral faces triangular with a common vertex (apex).
A right pyramid is a pyramid for which the line joining the centroid of the base (the point of coincidence of the medians) and the apex is perpendicular to the base. 
A regular pyramid is a right pyramid whose base is a regular polygon and the other faces are congruent isosceles triangles. Note that, 
   - if all lateral edges of a pyramid form equal angle with the base then,
     a)  all lateral edges are equal,
     b)  the pyramid’s altitude foot is the center of the circumcircle of the base.
   - If all lateral faces of a pyramid form the same face-to-base dihedral angle then,
     a)  the slant heights of all faces are equal,
     b)  the pyramid’s altitude foot is the center of the incircle,  
     c)  B = Slat. · cosa,  where B is the area of the base and Slat. is the lateral surface area.
Thus, for example in the regular pentagonal pyramid shown in the 
right figure,
h = s · sina  and  r = h · cota, then the area of the DABO
Pyramids, examples
Example:   Known is surface area of a regular triangular pyramid S and given is the base-to-face angle a, determine the base edge a.
Solution:  Using above formula for the surface area of a regular pyramid,
Example: The base of a pyramid is a right triangle with hypotenuse c and the acute angle a, and lateral edges incline to the base at the same angle j, see the down figure. Determine the volume of the pyramid and angles of the lateral faces at the pyramid vertex.
Solution:  Since lateral edges incline to the base at the same angle, lateral edges are the same length, and the foot of the pyramid’s altitude is the center of the circumcircle.
In a right triangle the center of the circumcircle is the midpoint of the hypotenuse.
Hence, line segments, AN, BN and CN are the projections of the lateral edges to the plane of base, and thus the angles,
angle VNB = angleVCN = angle VAN = j
The volume of the pyramid,
Denote the angles of lateral faces at the pyramid vertex, angle AVB = b,  BVC = g and angle AVC = d.
As lateral faces are isosceles triangles, their altitudes, VD, VE and VN bisect corresponding sides of the  base.  In  DAVB,   b = 180° - 2j,
Sections of solids
Sections of solids, examples
Example:   The base of a parallelepiped is a rhombus. Through an edge of the bottom base and the opposite edge of the top base passes an intersection plane that forms with the bottom base the angle b, as shows the figure down. The area of the section is As. Determine the lateral surface of the parallelepiped. 
Solution:  From the vertices D and D1 draw the altitudes of the top and bottom rhombus. The obtained parallelogram EFD1D is perpendicular to the planes of bases and intersects the plane in the segment ED1 that makes angle b with ED.
Since bases are rhombuses, the lateral surface consists of 
four equal rectangles.
Area of the lateral face ADD1A1,   ALF = A1D1 · DD1,
Example:   Vertex angles of faces of a regular triangular pyramid with a side of the base a, are all equal and denoted a, as is shown in the down figure. Determine face to face dihedral angles and the area of section that the plane passing through a side of the base perpendicular to the opposite lateral edge cuts of the pyramid.
Solution:  All face to face angles are the same and one of them,
denoted j, is shown in the diagram.
Section BCE is an isosceles triangle of the area
Example:   Through the vertex of a cone laid is a plane that makes the angle j with its base and cuts the segment bounded by arc that subtends the central angle a, as is shown in the below figure. The distance of the plane from the center of the base equals d. Determine the volume of the cone. 
Solution:   Angle VOC equals angle ODV = j since they have mutually perpendicular sides.
Example:   Lateral faces of a square pyramid are inclined to the base by angle a. Through the base’s edge laid is a plane that forms with the base of the pyramid the angle b, as shows the below figure. Find the area of the section if the side of base is a.
Solution:   Through midpoints E and F of the two opposite sides of base passes the plane EFV which is perpendicular to the base and intersects the plane of the trapezoid BCC1B1 along the segment FG (the altitude of the trapezoid).
From DEFG by using the sine law
and since triangles, ADV and B1C1V are similar
where B1C1 is shorter base of the trapezoid.
Example:   Through a vertex of the base of a square pyramid laid is a plane perpendicular to the opposite lateral edge. Determine the area of the section if length of the side of the base is a and if the lateral edge is inclined to base at angle j, see the figure down.
Solution:   The section is the deltoid EBFG with the diagonal BG perpendicular to the lateral edge DV and the shorter diagonal EF that is parallel with the diagonal AC of the base.
Area of the section As = (1/2) · BG · EF.
In the right triangle BGD, where
angle GDB = j and the hypotenuse DB = aÖ 2,
In the isosceles triangle EFV, where angle VEF = j
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