Applications of Trigonometry
      Applications in Plane Geometry
      The parallelogram - Area of a parallelogram
      Trapezoid or trapezium
         The area of a trapezoid given its four sides
         The area of the trapezoid given two parallel sides (bases) and angles at the ends of the longer base
         Diagonals of a trapezoid, determining the diagonals of the trapezoid given its four sides
Applications in Plane Geometry
The parallelogram - Area of a parallelogram
The parallelogram in the figure consists of two congruent triangles, DABD and DBCD, therefore its area 
  A = a · b· sina  
Triangles, BEC and ABD, are congruent as are ABS and DSC, thus the  area of the parallelogram equals the area of the triangle AEC.
We use the formula for the area of a triangle given two adjacent sides and angle between them,
Trapezoid or trapezium
Trapezoid or trapezium is a quadrilateral with two parallel sides of unequal length which is determined by its four parts.
  -  The area of a trapezoid given its four sides
The trapezoid in the figure consists of a triangle and a parallelogram.
According to Heron’s formula for the area of a triangle
The area of the parallelogram AP = c · h  where h is the height of the triangle too. Therefore, the area of the triangle
Thus, the area of the trapezoid given its four sides
  - The area of the trapezoid given two parallel sides (bases), a and c, and the angles, a and b at ends of 
side a
applying the sine law
so, the area of the trapezoid    
  - Diagonals of a trapezoid, determining the diagonals of the trapezoid given its four sides
In DABC, using the cosine law     e2 = a2 + b2 - 2abcosb,
                      and in  DACD,      e2 = c2 + d2 - 2cdcosd,
then             a2 + b2 - 2abcosb = c2 + d2 - 2cdcosd
and since     cosd = cos(180° - a) - cosa
then   2cdcosa + 2abcosb = a2 - c2 + b2 - d2   (1)
               Similarly, in DABD,       f2 = a2 + d2 - 2adcosa,
                      and in  DBCD,       f2 = b2 + c2 - 2bccosg
thus,   a2 + d2 - 2adcosa = b2 + c2 - 2bccosg   and since     cosg = cos(180° - b) =  - cosb
        then   2adcosa + 2bccosb = a2 - b2 + d2 - c2   (2)
To separate the term containing cosa from (1) and (2), multiply (1) by c and (2) by a, then subtract first equation from second thus, obtained is
2(a2 - c2) · dcosa = (a2 - c2) · (a - c) + (d2 - b2) · (a + c)
To separate the term containing cosb from (1) and (2), multiply (1) by a and (2) by c, then subtract second equation from first thus, obtained is
2(a2 - c2) · bcosb = (a2 - c2) · (a - c) - (d2 - b2) · (a + c)
Derived expressions for e2 and f 2 will be positive only if a < b + c + d  and a - c > b - d. From the diagram in the above figure it follows that first condition must be satisfied, the trapezoid to be closed, and second condition must be satisfied, the triangle EBC to be closed.
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