Translation of The Principal Square Root Function
     Translation of the principal square root function in the direction of the x-axis
Translation of the principal square root function in the direction of the x-axis
Horizontal line test
A function  f  has an inverse if no horizontal line intersects the graph of  f  more than once.
If any horizontal line intersects the graph of  f more than once, then  f  does not have an inverse.
A mapping associating a unique member of the codomain with every member of the domain of a function is called one to one correspondence.
A function  f is one-to-one if and only if  f has an inverse.
Given   f (x) = x2 + y0    and, since     f [f -1(x)] = x
                                     therefore,     f [f -1(x)] = [f -1(x)]2 + x0 = x,        or       [f -1(x)] = x - x0
To find the y-intercept, set x = 0 and solve for y, that is,    
The graph of translated principal square root function in the direction of the x-axis
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