Integral calculus
 The indefinite integrals containing quadratic polynomial of the form
 The integrand function to be real, the quadratic polynomial must be positive, therefore
 a )   if  a > 0  and   y0 is not then
see the solutions of the integrals in previous examples. By using above substitutions
Note that the sign of vertical translation y0 affects the solution, i.e., changes the sign of its second term.
 b )   if  a < 0  and   y0 > then
see the solution of the integral in the previous example. After applying the substitutions
 Recursion formulas and use of integration by parts formula
 The recursion formula applied to integrals of the form
  Use the above recursion formula to calculate I and  I3
Example:  Evaluate

Example:  Evaluate
 The recursion formula applied to integrals of the form
 The recursion formula applied to integrals of the form
 where, the integral on the right side of the equation is already shown.
 The recursion formula applied to integrals of the form
By using the substitution  x - x0 = t,  this integral leads to already known type.
Use the above solution to evaluate the following example.
 Example:  Evaluate
 The recursion formula applied to integrals of the form
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