ALGEBRA - solved problems
Graphing linear equation, linear function (first degree polynomial)
The linear function  f (x) = mx + c
The linear function we also write as 
y = a1x + a0   or   y = a1(x - x0)   or   y - y0 = a1x,  where  y0 = a0
To find the zero or the x-intercept of the linear function set  y = 0  and solve the equation for x, i.e.,
                                       y = 0    =>   0 = a1x + a0
98.    Find the equation of the line that passes through the origin and the point A(-3, 2).
Translate the line in the direction of the x-axis by x0 = - 3, then find its equation.
Solution:   Calculate the slope m by plugging the 
coordinates of the point A into the equation  y =  mx,
By plugging x0 = - 3 into  y = a1(x - x0)
Equations of straight line
The point-slope form of a line
99.    Find the equation of the line that is parallel with the line y = - x - 2 and passes through the point
P1( 2, 1) .
The two point form of the equation of a line
100.    Find the equation of the line which passes through points P(-2, 3) and Q(6, -1).
Find the equation of the line that is perpendicular to the line and passes through
the point A(-2, 5).
Absolute value functions
The graph of the absolute value function  f (x) = | x |
102.    Draw the graph of the absolute value function   f (x) = | x |.
The graph of the absolute value of a linear function  f (x) = | ax+ b |
103.    Draw the graph of the absolute value function   f (x) = | ax + b |.
Simultaneous linear equations
  System of two linear equations in two unknowns (variables)
     Solving systems of equations - substitution and comparison method
104.    Solve the system of equations.
105.    Solve the system of equations using comparison method.
Addition or elimination method
106.    Solve the system of equations using elimination method.
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