     Trigonometric Equations
      Equations that Can be Written as  f · g = 0
      Trigonometric Equations of Quadratic Form
      The Basic Strategy for Solving Trigonometric Equations
Equations that can be written as  f · g = 0
If the given equation, by using appropriate transformations, can be rearranged to the form   f · g = 0 then its 
solution is represented as the union of the individual solutions of the equations f = 0 and g = 0.
Example:  Solve the equation,  sin (x + 30°) + sin (30° - x) = 2cos2 x.
Solution:  Using the sum to product formula (or addition formula)
given equation gets the form
                                                                  that is,        2sin 30° · cos x = 2cos2 x
      or        cos x - 2cos2 x = 0,     cos x · (1 - 2cos x) = 0    the equation of the form  f · g = 0
                                 therefore,       cos x = 0,        x = 90° + k · 180°,  kÎ Z,
             and     1 - 2cos x = 0,      cos x = 1/2,      x+ 60° + k · 360°,  kÎ Z.
Thus, the solution set of the given equation we can write as
{90° k · 180° :  kÎ Z} U {+ 60° + k · 360° :  kÎ Z} or {90° + k · 180°,  + 60° + k · 360° : kÎ Z}.
Trigonometric equations of quadratic form
The trigonometric equation of the quadratic form  [F (x)]2 + p · F (x) + q = 0
where F (x) denotes given trigonometric function, by substituting  F (x) = u becomes a quadratic equation
returned into substitutions F (x) = u1 and  F (x) = u2  lead to the known basic trigonometric equation.
Example:  Find the solution set for the equation,  3sin x = 2cos2 x.
Solution:  Using known identity we write  3sin x - 2 · (1 - sin2 x) = 0,  and by plugging  sin x = u
Therefore,  sin x = 1/2,   x = 30° + k · 360°,  kÎ Z,  and   x = 150° + k · 360°,  kÎ Z,
while the equation sin x = - 2  has no solutions since  - 2 is not in the range of the sine function.
Thus, the solution set of the given equation is  {30° + k · 360°,  150° + k · 360° :  kÎ Z}.
The basic strategy for solving trigonometric equations
When solving trigonometric equations we usually use some of the following procedures,
 - apply known identities to modify given equation to an equivalent expressed in terms of one function,
 - rearrange the given equation using different trigonometric formulae to an equivalent, until you recognize one 
   of the known types.
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