Sequences and limits
 The definition of the real number e
We use the monotonic sequence theorem to prove that the sequence defined by

is increasing and its terms remain less than one fixed number as n tends to infinity, that is, the sequence converge to the number e.

 Recall the binomial expansion theorem
Let expand an using the above theorem

Then, to prove an+1 > an, that is, that given is increasing sequence, we can expand an+1 the same way.

Observe that, while passing from n to n + 1, the an+1 expression gets one new positive term and, at the same time, all the differences in parentheses raised as every subtrahend decreased (i.e., denominators increased to n + 1). Therefore, since an+1 > an the sequence is increasing.

To show that all terms of the sequence are less than a fixed number M we will evaluate the quantity an on a suitable way.

If we omit second term (consisting 1/n) in every parenthesis, they increase, hence

If instead of the factors, 3, 4, . . . , n  in the denominators, starting from the second, we substitute 2, the denominators decreased so the fractions increased, thus

since applied is formula for the sum of the finite geometric series whose ratio is 1/2 and the first term 1.

As the right side still depends on n, to get an expression independent of n, the one which holds to all terms, drop the term 1/2n in the numerator of the right side, what increases the numerator, such that 

the final result is

Therefore, as all terms of the sequence are less than M = 3 then, the sequence has a limit that is not greater than 3. Let write few terms of the sequence to show how slowly it increases,

So, we finally write
  The limit of sequence theorems
 The cluster point or accumulation point

Every sequence of numbers does not have to tend to a limit value. For example terms of the sequence,

shown on the number line,

accumulate around two points, the odd terms around 0 while the even terms accumulate around 2. Therefore, it is the divergent sequence.

The cluster point is such a point of a sequence in every however small neighborhood of which lie infinitely many terms of the sequence. In the example above such points are 0 and 2.
According to this definition every limit point is the cluster point but inverse does not hold.
That is, a convergent sequence can have at most one cluster point, hence if a sequence converges, then its limit is unique.
 Divergent sequences
A sequence is convergent if it has a limit, otherwise it is divergent. A divergent sequence has no a finite limit.
The sequence of the natural numbers 1, 2, 3, . . . , n, . . .  has no a cluster point since it tends (or diverge) to infinity, so we write
Generally, if terms of a sequence {an} can become greater than every arbitrary large natural number N, that is, if for every given number N there exists an index n0 such that 
an > N   for all   n > n0 (N),
we say that the sequence {an} tends to infinity or diverge to + oo  and we write either
        an ®  + oo     as   n ® oo            or            
If terms of a sequence {an} are such that for every given negative number - N, of arbitrary large absolute value, there exists an index n0 such that
an > - N   for all   n > n0 (N),
we say that the sequence {an} tends to the negative infinity or diverge to  - oo  and we write either
        an ®  - oo     as   n ® oo           or             
For example, the sequence {- n} tends to negative infinity or diverge to  - oo .
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