     Trigonometric Equations
      The Equations,    tan (bx + c) = m      and      cot (bx + c) = mwhere b, c and m are real numbers.
         The Equation  tan (bx + c) = m, example
The Equations,     tan (bx + c) = m      and     cot (bx + c) = m,  where b, c and m are real numbers.
The given equations can be written as F(bx + c) = m  where F substitutes a trigonometric function, x is an arc to be calculated and m is a value of a given trigonometric function.
To every trigonometric function we can determine an arc, a + k · P of which function value equals m that is   F(a + k · P) = m, where a = x0  is the basic solution, and P is the period, then
F(bx + c) = F(a + k · P)    or   bx + c = a + k · P,  thus
Thus, from obtained general solution we can write a common solutions for every given equation,
The Equation  tan (bx + c) = m, example
Example:  Solve the equation,
Solution:  Rewrite the equation to the form tan (bx + c) = m,
We obtain the same result if we put given parameters, b, c, and corresponding basic solution
x0 = a = tan-1 m to the common solution that is, b = 1/3, c = - p/2 and x0 = a = tan-1(-Ö3/3) = - p/6
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