Vectors in a Plane and  Space
      The mixed product or the scalar triple product
         The mixed product or scalar triple product definition
         The mixed product properties
         The condition for three vectors to be coplanar
         The mixed product or scalar triple product expressed in terms of components
      The vector product and the mixed product use, examples
The mixed product
The mixed product or scalar triple product definition
The mixed product (or the scalar triple product) is the scalar product of the first vector with the vector product of the other two vectors denoted as  a · ( b ´ c ).
Geometrically, the mixed product is the volume of a parallelepiped defined by vectors, a , b and c as shows the right figure.
The vector b ´ c is perpendicular to the base of the 
parallelepiped and its magnitude equals the area of the  
base,  B = | b ´ c |.
The altitude of the parallelepiped is projection of the 
a in the direction of the vector b ´ c, so 
 h = | a | · cos j.
Therefore, the scalar product of the vector  a  and vector  b ´ c is equal to the volume of the parallelepiped.
The sign of the scalar triple product can be either positive or negative, as   a · ( b ´ c ) = - a · ( c ´ b ).
The mixed product properties
The condition for three vectors to be coplanar
The mixed product is zero if any two of vectors, a , b and c are parallel, or if a , b and c are coplanar. That is, 
when the given three vectors are coplanar the altitude of the parallelepiped is zero and thus the scalar triple 
product is zero,
The mixed product or scalar triple product expressed in terms of components
The scalar triple product expressed in terms of the components of vectors, a = axi + ay j + azk,
b = bxi + by j + bzk  and  c = cxi + cy j + czk,
The above formula can be derived from the determinant expanded by minors through the elements of the first row,
Therefore, vectors, a, b and c will be coplanar if the determinant is zero.
The vector product and the mixed product use, examples
Example:   Given are vectors, a = i - 2 k and  b = - i + 3 j + k, determine the vector  c a ´ b and the area of a parallelogram formed by vectors, a and b.
The area of the parallelogram,  
Example:   Vertices of a triangle are, A(-1, 0, 1), B(3, -2, 0) and C(4, 1, -2), find the length of the altitude hb.
Solution:  Using the area of a triangle,
as the area of the triangle where
then, the area of the triangle,  
and the length of the side b,  
thus, the length of the altitude,
Example:  Find the angles that the unit vector, which is orthogonal to the plane formed by vectors, 
a = -i + 2 j + k  and  b = 3i - 2 j + 4k, makes with the coordinate axes.
Solution:  The unit vector which is orthogonal to the plane, formed by the vectors, a and b, is the direction vector of a vector c, such that
Angles, which the unit vector c°  forms with coordinate axes, we find by using the formula,
Example:  Given are vectors, a = -2i - 3 jb = -i - 2 j + 3k and c = -i + 2 j + k, find the projection (the scalar component) of the vector a onto vector d = b ´ c.
Solution:  Let first find the vector d,
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